Friday, March 27

You Feel The LOVE???

The title sounds weird but trust me! yesterday was really weird! I encountered with so many strange things that had to do with Love! first was the street beside SXI

Love Lane!
Wth! Must be where CLS and SXI folks meet up I guess then one of them named it Love lane! ^^ But I doubt there wils til be couples going there! the road looks so old la!!Nothing romantic also lolx

Tait's not all! when we were in the school we saw a notice board!
This 1!!

tell me what is the first word you see?
PORN right? well its actually P O R M!!
Wth!! lmao! weird day la! and if you thought that was all, think again. On the way home there was a shop which had a name called

leong GAY!
seriously it gets weirder and weirder. Lucky for me that was the last! While I was at McD waiting for my mom saw this sweet couple!

I think they walked together from MBS to McD and then back again holding hands! Ahhhhhhh



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