Monday, November 10

Kwang Hwa Food Fair

Went back to my primary school yesterday! There was a food fair held in conjunction with Penang Lion's Club. And my brother had to prepare something to sell at his class' stall so we headed down there at 9 . This was my brother's stall number

And to my surprise there were already so many people then.

And an hour later even more people poured in!

I walked around and took some pictures. Look at the kids promoting! and look at the colorful sign boards.

Haa I met alot of people today. there were many Chung Ling kias here and also many people from other schools. Some people that are from the neighbouring primary schools also came to "chou4 re4 nao4".Anyway we took some pictures.

Yi Yang


Chee Yi

Ting Feng


Yong Zhi

Another bunch of 6Mers
There were also many games there.

There was the fishing game!

Bowling 1

Bowling 2

Need For Speed

And loads loads more

There was this haunted house. The queue was freakign long but we big kids cut into the little kids line

. Shhhh!!! Look at Joey before entering

So cool aneh! But when she was inside! ahah screamign liek hell and even kicked the ghost!! hahaha
AS for me haha fooled around inside.


Look at this leng lui!

Me with her!! CHeese!!

wow! 2 SCARY ghosts! lol
Ahahaha i know, chien ming must be out of his mind! xp well after taht it was almost 12:30 so headed to meet my aprents and we heaeded home. Outside the school was a massive traffic jam .

Well it was a very fun day! managed to meet many friends! xp bored la always stay at home!! And Kwang Hwa managed to earn more then 200 thousand ringgit yesterday. Gratz! In a few years time we will be the best and biggest school in Penang!!!

Jiayou Kwang Hwa!


Vincy Jt on November 17, 2008 at 5:48 PM said...

so sad that i can't make myself there...

chien-ming on November 17, 2008 at 8:22 PM said...

yalor! nvm sure stil gt chance eh! lol next year might have again! haa


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