Thursday, November 13

Phone season

My 5300 finally broke down after 2 years! There was something wrong with its mic. So I sent it to get fixed on Tuesday.

So durin that period till yesterday I was using my aunts phone which was a D-500 i think. Not really sure whats the model

Anyway when I went to pick it up yesterday. I realized all my contacts were gone!! Die! I only have a few numbers that I could remember! So please SMS me and tell me your name please! thanks!!! Oh and I brother got his new phone! Well his first la! Since he got to a better class next eyar so parents bought him one.K530 you know!!

His first phone already so bergaya!! Somemore better than mine!! And my first phone was a Nokia 3310!! Boooo!!!!
Being the younger 1 really is the best!!



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