Monday, April 13

MSSPP Tennis

Went for tennis MSSPP today!. Well I also went last week la but lost till pants fell down so not really in the mood to blog about it! ! haha

(Wilson Balls)

Anyway today was the finals of all the individual and doubles! The match below is between My school No1 mr Wu and PFS No.1 Mr Pang

And as expected! Gerald Wu won!! CLHS Penang number 1 ok! lolx And while waiting for the team event just took some random shots

Why Aaron so Shy!!

Handed over my camera to this siao kia!

the pictures from this point onwards were taken by him! ^^

Why all so shy eh!

People arse also want take! LMAo

Gerald Wu


And below! the happy couple to be?

And finally me with my history buku rujukan!! ^^

Well when I got bored I always have my darling to accompany me!!

Just love her so much! hahaaa

My bag and my racket!

And I found something very interesting! PCGHS ( Penang Chinese Girls School) even brought their school flag to the competition! like WTH!!!!

This is the exact flag the prefects used during the marching on Sports day on Saturday! LMAO! really YENG!!!!



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