Friday, January 23

Chinese New year Coming!!

Well I was involved in an interview yesterday. But this time I am the 1 interviewing and not they other way round. Lol it was for my communications service group . You know.. The DJ stuff! xD . Anyway when I arrived in school took some pictures with my class mates

Someone was lazy and didnt clean off the the day before's add maths homework

As you all know I am in 4SA3 and my classroom was sponsored by this person

THANKS FOR the classroom although it isn't really nice, or clean, or cool, or spacious, or comfortable, but still tahnk you!! ^^
At taht time it was only 6"50 but there were already many people walking in the corridor, this shows Chung Ling Kias are very early and hard working! oisehh!!

Oh and 1 more fact about my class. If there was a fire, we will be the safest as there is a fire extinguisher just in front of my class!!

And after this was schooling time. As I am not supposed to bring my camera to school, I hid it somewhere! HAHA

Many people stayed back for their activities and for this interview. Look at the canteen even though school has finished!

I took a group picture with my guys!
Do you see Peeli? the guy with the biggest smile and the cleanest teeth teeth?
Well he is going to change to a military school. Don't ask me why so I was requested to link him so guys visit him yar!

Peeli enjoying his drumstick!

Peeli showing his unselfish-ness!
And in the end his drumstick looked like this!

Nothing left!
As the interview was like 20 minutes away I decided to take some random shots!

Who say green doesn't look nice!

My key chains!

As the treasurer of the club I was part of the interviewers and I admit I was kinda harsh on most of the guys! sorry guys! I last time kena buli now my turn la! HEHE must make you all pressure mar! lolx Paisei ya!! xD But most of youa ll made it through la! I not Simon from American Idol la don't worry!
This are some of the faces out of the 50++ people that came for the interview

We even Had some guai kias!!

high pants! buttoned shirts! high socks!
Before I sign off let me introduce you to 2 form 3 students!

You might ask me whoa re they? why must I introduce them? well this video will explain it all!
Must watch!!


Anonymous said...

This video is fake or what ? Pro men .

chien-ming on January 28, 2009 at 9:00 PM said...

reall la! no camera trick eh! lolx


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