Friday, April 4


Well i wanted to sleep like a pig today but instead woke up at 9 and went to USM to watch the finals.
At first was kinda bored so borrowed Michele's I-Pod

Then took some pictures of the action

At about 11 something I went home.On the way home dropped by a coffee shop to buy lunch.

{Aunty slicing the chicken meat.)
And I spent most of the afternoon at home playing my computer games.
Well my dad came home from Shanghai today so went to the airport to fetch him.

(trees zooming pass us)

Since it was only like 2 Kilometers from my home so arrived there in 5 minutes.
After that had dinner with my dad at Nando's

And while waiting for the food i got so bored i tried my dad's sweater. Lolx I look weird in it

Well that's about it. Tomorrow i can't wait go tennis! i want relief my anger for under performing in the MSSPP competition.



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