Wednesday, January 30

Just Another Ordinary Day

Today in school the school radio thingy club was recruiting members. And I decided to join.Well its actually A service group. Every morning you get to play songs to the PA system around the schoo. So its like Chung Ling FM! xD And your the DJ!
cool huh!
And as usual I have double tuitions on Wednesdays. And just now i was so effin mad. My tuition finished at 8:30 and my dad came at 9. Asked him why so late. he say bad timing. i ask what time leave home. He say 8:45. Tuition finish at 8:30 come leave house at 8:45. Whats the meaning of this.
So i am still so mad now. But I am not gonna argue with them. If I say a lil loud they will say I no manners. Say they are parents i have no right to say if they are late and they are already doing me a favor by fetching me.
Pisses you off right if it was you.



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